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Sep 17, 2023
In General Discussions
Has anyone harvested this? I have a field of it! It's not the poison variety--no worries there. Do you harvest bark? Leaves? Roots?Young plants? Older plants? Bark? Roots? Leaves? Time of year? And how have you actually used it?
Jun 06, 2023
In General Discussions
I have a question about Velvet Leaf. It is an invasive weed, and I'm sure I should pull every bit of it. The problem is that I've learned the value of Mallow as a medicinal herb, and I'm wondering if Velvet Leaf will provide the same benefits. Does anyone have experience with this? The Latin name for the plant that I've heard the praises of is called Malva Neglecta and the Latin name of Velvet Leaf seems to be Abutilon theophrasti but it is definitely in the mallow family.
Apr 10, 2023
In General Discussions
My daughter does home care for a lady that smokes. The smoke smell on my daughter's clothes and in her car is a serious issue. Is there anything we can do to take care of the odor, and also to protect my daughter's health from the effects of second hand smoke?
Apr 09, 2023
In General Discussions
I've just learned that herbs and spices can contain heavy metals. For 37 years of marriage I've bought my spices and herbs in bulk, often by the pound, and Covid only enhanced that. I've got plenty on hand, some of them not labelled with any brand. So how do I know which ones are safe? I've started drinking "Golden Milk" with lots of turmeric and several other items in it. Is there any way to know what's safe? I can't toss all this stuff! This finding confirms my plan to grow a bigger garden, and grow as much of my own stuff as possible. Incidentally, the "Simply Organic" brand seems to be one of the best choices and I think it's sold at Target and perhaps also at Aldi! I hope it's OK to post this link.
Apr 08, 2023
In General Discussions
Hello friends! I live in East Central Minnesota. I'm wondering if anyone wants to share seeds or plants that you have growing. I will be buying seeds for plants I don't already have, and the packets seem to provide large numbers of seeds, so there will be some to share. The one that seems important right now is Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia Annua). I think I'll wait til the snow is gone and see if anyone has it growing in the area; otherwise I'll buy the seeds. Is anyone interested in sharing? And what plants are you already growing and willing to share? Or what plants are you looking for?
Feb 11, 2023
In General Discussions
I would love to hear all of the best ideas that people have for tick repellent. I live in one of the counties in the US that is highest in deer ticks, and Lyme disease is a serious threat. We really need to be careful as we're outside gathering herbs! I've just heard of another person who is having a fight with Lyme disease. If she is finally on the right path to healing, she hopes to be out of pain in several months. Please let me know that you've seen this post, even if you don't have answers.


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